Status Effects

Skills and environmental hazards can apply status effects on players. This section will cover all the status effects that can be applied to a chariot racer.

  • Sleeping: Falling asleep removes the ability to do anything for a short period, that includes driving the chariot.

  • Stunned: Stunned is similar to Sleeping in that you will be unable to do anything for a short period. In addition to being unable to do any actions, the chariot's speed will also be set to zero.

  • Poisoned: Being poisoned will apply minor damage over time, ignoring armor.

  • Burning: Being burned will apply minor damage over time, ignoring armor.

  • Confused: Causes all player's input to be inverted, and a random skill will be selected when using a skill during the duration of the effect.

Last updated


Halls of Olympia 2024